Located in Kalkaji in the south of Delhi, is lotus shaped and has rightly been given the name. It is made of marble, cement, dolomite and sand. It is about 40 meters tall surrounded by nine ponds and appears as if the temple is floating like a Lotus flower in water. The speciality of the temple is that it is open to people from all religions. On my first visit I was startle when I entered the prayer hall, which has the capacity to accommodate nearly 2500 people and has nine entrance door. There was complete silence as visitors prayed.
Try not to miss the Prayer sessions which are conducted four times a day. Prayers of all religions are delivered during these sessions. The timings for prayer sessions are as follows:
10:00AM to 10:15AM
12:00PM to 12:15PM3:00PM to 3:15 PM
5:00 PM to 5:15 PM
In the Information Centre of the temple, there is an exhibition showing the different aspects of Bahai faith in the form of photographs and a 30-minute movie. Next to the centre, there is a shop where they sell books on various religion and souvenirs. Jeet purchased few books during one of our visits.
Visiting Hours:
Summer Timing (1st April to 30th September)
TUESDAY to SUNDAY (Monday closed)
9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Winter Timing (1st October to 31st March)
TUESDAY to SUNDAY (Monday closed)
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
For the Exotic View Visit During Evening Hours as Lotus Temple Glitters Like Diamond. Evening is the Best Time to Visit.
Other information for tourists:
Remove your footwear before entering the temple premises.
Switch off your mobile phones.
Maintain absolute silence inside the temple.
Fariborz Sahba, Canadian architect of Iranian origin, spent 10 years in designing and project management, and with the help of a team of about 800 engineers, technicians, artisans and workers brought to realization one of the most complicated constructions in the world. The structure of the House is composed of three ranks of nine petals; each springing from a podium elevating the building above the surrounding plain. The first two ranks curve inward, embracing the inner dome; the third layer curves outward to form canopies over the nine entrances. The petals, constructed of reinforced white concrete cast in place, are clad in white marble panels, performed to surface profiles and patterns related to the geometry. Nine arches that provide the main support for the superstructure ring the central hall. Nine reflecting pools surround the building on the outside, their form suggesting the green leaves of the lotus flower. Translating the
geometry of the design, in which there are virtually no straight lines, into the actual structure presented particular challenges in designing and erecting the framework. Not only was it difficult to align, so as to produce accurately the complex double-curved surfaces and their intersections, but also the closeness of the petals severely restricted workspace. Nevertheless the task was carried out entirely by the local laborers. Thanks to each one who contributed in its construction. To avoid construction joints, petals were concreted in a continuous operation for approximately 48 hours. Concrete was carried up the staging by women bearing 50-pound loads in baskets balanced on their heads. All the steel reinforcing for the shells of the lotus petals was galvanized to avoid rust stains on the white concrete in the prevailing humid conditions, guaranteeing the life of the delicate shell structure of 6 to 18 cm thick shells of the petals. India is well endowed with human resources.

Awards Received:
• Award for the structural design by the Institute of Structural Engineers in UK.
• The Citation Award for personifying the visual impact of the beautiful Lotus flower.
• Accreditation for its outdoor illumination in the year 1988 .
• American Concrete Institute Award for being one of the most artistically built concrete structures.
• In the year 2000 it received the "Glob Art Academy Award" from Glob Art Academy in Vienna.
Top 5 Reasons to Visit Lotus Temple :
Beyond Piety...About Beauty
Don't miss to see the ambrosial opera-house-of-Sydney like structure soaring high from behind the lush green Kalkaji Hill. Nestles amid a picturesque backdrop adorned with emerald pools and lush manicured gardens, that sooth every thirsty soul irrespective of caste, creed and belief.
Towards A Secular Goal
Without concentrating on a particular religion, the sacred hall extends its hands to touch every religious soul. Leaving behind the bars of caste, creed and beliefs, every devotional heart gets a spiritual relaxation here.
About The Architecture
Twentieth-century architecture has been characterised by a high degree of technological prowess; by and large, peerless in aesthetic value. The 40 m high petals made of special Korean concrete (later clad with white marble) which had to be cooled at the right temperature, so during the summer, the concrete was mixed with ice!
Prayer In Silence
The silence that prevails in the Prayer Hall instills a different experience. Some are moved by what they termed as 'eloquent silence'; others say that the 'divine atmosphere' floating inside touch the hearts. No doubt, all are affected in various degrees by the peace and beauty of the sanctum sanctorum.
Catch Yourself In Cams
The picturesque Lotus Temple offers fascinating photographic options with the emerald pools, the lush manicured greens and above all the exquisite temple creating a perfect backdrop.
So, whenever you visit Delhi, do not forget to see this particular masterpiece which offers a strong message of wisdom, peace and tranquility.
For more information,you can visit the official website: http://www.bahaindia.org/
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