Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Translator/Typist ,Mirqab,Q8

Need any translator and typist for your Association/ Organization/ Office magazine? Or you are a student and need to do some translation for some thesis work or any project. You need not worry. There are more than 50 shops in Kuwait city that do translation work. You just name it….be it English, Arabic, Bangla, Telegu, Tamil, Marathi, Oriya, Konkani…. It’s all available. The shops are at Mirqab in Kuwait city.

I got the opportunity to go there as my husband was the editor of our Assam Association magazine and he needed a typist for our Assamese section. Till the last year, Assamese section was done at Assam but it’s not feasible every year. Articles for the magazine come even after the last date of submission and you cannot help it. Also it’s not that every year someone among us will go to Assam before the publication of the magazine and will do the typing there. So Jeet and his friend Rifat, who too was the editor of our Association magazine decided to explore possibilities of doing everything here. Atlast , their efforts were rewarded as they found a good translator and typist. Purabi Business Center at Mirqab, Kuwait city did their typing job perfectly well.

So if you need a printing house, translator or typist; Mirqab at Kuwait City is the answer. You will get solution to all your needs related to translation and typing here.

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